Buckwheat Honey 16 oz. Food Grade Plastic


 Buckwheat Health Benefits- Quick View

High levels of Fiber

Soothes Upset Stomach

Boosts Energy

Has a positive effect on the DNA and liver damage in mice

Allows Sustained Fullness

Supports a healthy gut and immune system.

High in Carbohydrates

Contains Vitamins B & C, Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Folate, and Magnesium.

Eliminates Bacteria

Loaded With Antioxidants

Three times the concentration of antioxidants when compared to                 other honey varieties.

Buckwheat honey’s darker hue is responsible for the higher concentration of antioxidants.

Buckwheat honey is a richer source of antioxidants than all other honey varieties;

üSimply the best when it comes to antioxidative properties.

Common Cold Healing

Sore Throat Aid (helps to coat the throat and protects against bacteria)

Cough Suppressant (take 1 teaspoon Before Bed)

Sleep Aid

Topical Use – Contains Anti-Inflammatory & Antimicrobial Properties

Helps Heal Wounds

Reduces pain and swelling in flesh wounds

üExpedites healing & Protects against infection

 Improves Skin Health

Soothing to the Skin

Improves Skin Health

Hydrating Face Mask

Remediating Acne Breakouts

Exfoliating Face Wash (when Crystalized)

Nourish Damaged Skin

Reduces the Visibility of Scarring.


Buckwheat Honey vs. Manuka Honey

Buckwheat Honey, comes from the flower of the buckwheat grain. Buckwheat is not in any way related to wheat.  It is called so because it has seeds (that look like grains) and is full of complex carbohydrates.

Buckwheat has stronger anti-bacterial activity than manuka honey and was found to be a useful agent in the killing of bacteria, having more efficacy than that of Manuka honey, Because of the presence of hydrogen peroxide (its main active component)

Buckwheat Honey speeds up Wound Healing better than Manuka honey

For the healing of wounds, the efficacy of Manuka and Buckwheat honey were tested. It was observed that Buckwheat honey had the potential of acting on a wider number of genes related to the proliferation of keratinocytes (skin cells) and also regulated some genes that helped in the repair of wounds.

In a study published in “Burns Trauma”, 2013, it was reported that honey has the ability to heal wounds by increasing the activity of fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen, help in the healing of wounds).  The honey did show wound healing activities; however, the efficacy was different for Manuka and Buckwheat honey. Buckwheat honey specifically helped in increasing the secretion of substances such as interleukin-4, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8. These are the substances that help in the closure of wounds. It steals electrons from bacteria, it could be the cell membrane, or the DNA, completely disrupting them.

Health Benefits of Buckwheat Honey proven by Research:

Buckwheat Honey has a positive effect on DNA and liver damage in mice. This occurred because of the high phenolic content in Buckwheat honey, giving it antioxidant properties.

Buckwheat honey increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the liver and also prevented the oxidation of serum lipoproteins and enhanced the oxidation of free radicals. It also protects the liver.

Buckwheat honey has high anti-hyaluronidase activity. This occurs due to its high phenolic content and the anti-hyaluronidase activity eventually decreases inflammation and enhances healing and protects against inflammation.

It helped in the healing of deep wounds. The activity was compared to that of a hydrocolloid dressing. The honey reduced the inflammation and increased the proliferation of the skin cells and hence can be used in a combination with the hydrocolloid dressing.

Buckwheat honey has antibacterial activity against various strains of bacteria; due to its phenolic content. These bacteria include Streptococcus pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, and S. pyogenes.

It provides protection against DNA damage due to the oxidation caused by hydroxyl radicals.

It has anti-inflammatory activity because of its phenolic content and low pH as well as high free acid content.

It helps in resolving upper respiratory tract infections. A single dose of buckwheat honey was given 30 minutes prior to bedtime. It helped in solving the problem of nocturnal cough and sleeping difficulty.

It is recommended that one takes a teaspoon or two of Manuka honey before a meal so that it coats the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and protects us against infections and damage.

Buckwheat honey can be taken 30 minutes before bedtime to prevent cough. A teaspoon would be enough.

However, due to high sugar content, diabetics should be careful with the quantity of honey they ingest.

The darker the honey is, the more buckwheat nectar it has. The lighter the honey is, the more nectar it has from different sources and the less buckwheat nectar it has.

Dark-colored honey, such as raw buckwheat honey, contains more minerals and antioxidant compounds than light-colored honey, thus providing more health benefits than the lighter-colored and commercially produced honey varieties.

7 Health Benefits of Buckwheat Honey

1. Antibacterial Properties

Buckwheat honey has antibacterial properties, which have been shown to ward off certain pathogens. Although further research is needed for more specific pathogens and in-depth information, in general, consuming foods with natural antibacterial properties helps support a healthy gut and immune system.


  1. 2. Anti-Inflammatory

Buckwheat honey has anti-inflammatory properties. These may help to reduce swelling and pain. Along with its antibacterial properties, buckwheat honey can be applied to wounds to aid wound healing.

3. Soothes a Sore Throat

A sore throat is never fun, but a spoonful of buckwheat honey adheres to the mucus membranes, providing them with a protective coating that allows them to rest and heal, reducing irritation and discomfort. The antibacterial properties also help bacteria in the throat that may be irritating.

4. Helps Relieve Cough

Buckwheat honey is a natural cough suppressant, along with its antibacterial activity can help speed healing from infections. Taking buckwheat honey before bed can help suppress the cough, allowing for better sleep while supporting your body in treating upper respiratory tract infections and other systems related to the cough.

Buckwheat honey has been shown in studies to be as effective or better than over-the-counter cough syrup in managing a nocturnal cough.

5. Soothes Upset Stomach

Much like how buckwheat honey helps soothe a sore throat, it has a soothing effect on the lining of the mucus membranes in the stomach that may cause discomfort.

6. Powerful Antioxidant Properties

Darker honey, such as buckwheat honey, has richer antioxidant properties than regular honey or light-colored honey. The dark brown color of buckwheat honey is provided by powerful antioxidants such as phenolic compounds, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Consuming large amounts of antioxidants has been associated with a decrease in heart disease, cancer, and inflammation, helping to ward off free radicals and protecting cells from disease, damage, and premature aging.

7. Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Buckwheat honey contains small amounts of various vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C. It also includes other nutritional beneficial elements such as ash, propolis, pollen, and amino acids. Although the vitamins and minerals are found in smaller amounts and are not enough to meet daily values, they still contribute to a diverse diet of beneficial nutrients.

How to Use Buckwheat Honey

About 1-2 teaspoons of buckwheat honey a day can make a great addition to your diet. It can be eaten with a spoon, mixed in with yogurt or fruit, or added to warm tea. It’s important to note that heat can destroy the health properties that buckwheat honey offers, so it is best to steer clear of using it in cooking or hot tea if you intend to receive the health benefits of honey.

Buckwheat honey contains high levels of fiber which give an excellent boost of energy as well as a feeling of sustained fullness. Buckwheat honey also contains 17 grams of carbohydrates per serving which break down into sustained energy. Buckwheat honey is rife with vitamin B as well as minerals like zinc, manganese, iron, folate, and magnesium. An excellent source of many beneficial nutrients, Buckwheat honey is a wise addition to your diet.

Buckwheat honey is packed with vitamins and minerals, each of which plays a significant role in your overall health.

One study suggests that a single serving of Buckwheat honey per day significantly boosted the antioxidant intake of the study’s subjects. A powerful source for keeping you healthy.




From our friend’s farm in North East Oregon, Buckwheat is a Farmer’s dream come true. Its taste profile is Strong, Deep, Earthy, and reminds us of Molasses or Sorghum. I like to say, “IT TAKES YOU TO THE FARM.” It boasts a creamy texture and is perfect for Marinades for Pork, Chicken, or Salmon, on Hearty Buckwheat Pancakes, Hot Buttered Rolls, as a substitute for Molasses in Gingerbread recipes, or just by the spoonful.

Buckwheat Honey is sold in 1lb. (16oz.) Food Grade Squeeze Bottles and has huge healing properties. Extensively studied and found to successfully stand tall next to New Zealand’s Manuka honey, except it is 3 times more budget-friendly and local to our area.

Please see the huge list of health benefits of our Buckwheat Honey in the Product Description Below.

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Weight 2 lbs


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